Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Big Guy Has An Overnight Inspiration

The Big Guy woke up this morning inspired by the overnight decision that it was now OK to drill holes into his truck, being that it's now officially 3 years old and no longer too new to tamper with.

He says he is not going to fool around any more with trying to run wires all over the place and holes in convenient places is a much better way to go.

What's this all about, you ask?

Amateur Radio Madness, which I will henceforth refer to as ARM.

Being severely afflicted with ARM, The Big Guy obsessively spends much of his spare cash and time on purchasing, modifying, installing, de-installing and repairing radios, radio antennas, and radio accessories. Plus the tools required for all this work.

1:10 pm and so far it's been not too bad.

The Big Guy has yelled at me only once for "sneaking up on him". Tyler and Andy, wise to the side effects of ARM, are staying out of his way. The ground is still pretty much frozen so the path through the family room (on the shortest route between the driveway where the truck is and the shed in the back yard where the tools are) isn't showing much dirt yet. There have been just two trips to the Land of Orange Aprons (for a bag of mysterious metal things and to replace a broken skill saw.) No demands to "come here and hold this". Yet.

This is Andy trying to retrieve a ball from The Big Guy's office.


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