Sunday, December 18, 2005

No matter where you go, there you are.

Last night I re-watched one of my favorite movies The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Across The Eighth Dimension.

Marvelous fun!

I highly recommend it.

How will you know if you'll like it too?

Take this quiz.


1) You already have Buckaroo Banzai on VHS or Laser Disc and want the DVD Special Edition version for the alternate opening. (T) or (F)

If you answered (T), give yourself 100 points and skip down to "End of Quiz".

2) Your favorite TV series of all time is (pick one): (a) Babylon 5, (b) any incarnation of Star Trek except for Enterprise, (c) Lost, (d) The Prisoner, (e) MST3K, (f) Taxi, (g) Doctor Who, (h) all of the above, (i) none of the above.

3) You have at least 2 acquaintances who are "Browncoats" or you are one yourself. (T) or (F)

4) You know how to find all the Easter Eggs on the last DVD you bought. E.g., What's that watermelon doing there? (T) or (F)

5) You personally own one or more computers running (choose as many as apply): (a) Windows, (b) Apple(Mac), (c) UNIX/Linux, (d) Sun(Solaris/SunOS), (e) VMS, (f) FreeBSD, (g) DOS, (h) OS/2 (i) an OS you wrote yourself on the weekend

6) You possess a collectable item autographed by (choose all that apply): (a) JMS, (b) Joss Whedon, (c) Charlize Theron, (d) Donny Osmond, (e) Mr. Dressup

7) Your favorite artist is (choose one): (a) Frank Frazetta, (b) Todd Lockwood, (c) John Howe, (d) David Messina, (e) none of these but you know who they all are and can name a work by each without googling their names, (f) huh?

8) Last Friday evening you (pick one): (a) went shopping, (b) went out to a movie, (c) watched TV, (d) went someplace where beverages were served and loud music was played, (e) went out to eat, (f) went to a sports bar or attended a sports event, (g) read a book, (h) read a comic book, (i) went online, (j) called a chat line, (k) worked on your OS, (l) other

(Picking "other" is ok, I won't ask and you don't have to tell.)

9) You collect (pick as many as apply): (a) Limited Edition Franklin Mint Plates (b) license plates, (c) parking tickets, (d) points, (e) James Bond movies, (f) Spiderman comics, (g) lint

10) You believe: (a) the hoverboards used in Back to the Future II were real, (b) the Daleks were NOT actually all destroyed, (c) The avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote. (d) In every generation there is a Chosen One. (e) hostile Martians actually did invade Grovers Mill, New Jersey in October 1938 but Orson Welles was later coerced by those same invaders into claiming the whole thing was a fictional broadcast (f) a tin foil hat can prevent the government from reading and/or controlling your mind

[End of QUIZ]

Those of you who have read this far and actually want to know your score can give yourselves an extra 2 points. Look for instructions on how to calculate your score in a future post.

Laugh While You Can, Monkey Boy!


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