Monday, December 26, 2005

Podcasts and Other Boxing Day Distractions

I got a iPod (30GB, with video) for Christmas and am neglecting eBay in favour of hunting around for interesting podcasts and music and videos...

Guess what! There’s this whole other realm of fascinating stuff on the web that I haven’t looked at (or listened to) yet! This makes me think something profound is happening to radio. There are zillions of people out there who are producing this vast selection of audio content and making it all available for free.

So far I’ve subscribed to Doctor Who: Podshock, Science@NASA Feature Stories, the CBC Radio 3 Podcast (Canadian indie music) and a couple of others.

Now I need to go and (try to) hook up our VCR so that I can tape Doctor Who for J. She’s off to a hockey game tonight and won’t be near a TV when CBC broadcasts The Christmas Invasion. Trouble is, the VCR hasn’t been hooked up since before The Big Guy and I got our new TV three years ago and gee, I don’t know, there are already so many things hooked up to the TV and we have satellite not cable these days and I have to figure out again how to program the VCR and I have to find a tape that doesn’t already have a Babylon 5 episode on it that I need to keep…

Maybe it will be easier if I have lunch first.

The Big Guy’s gone off somewhere (“I won’t be long!” he just yelled up the stairs). It would be good if I can get the VCR situation sorted out before he gets back. I don’t like being the object of his sarcastic slurs about my technical acumen. This from a guy for whom I have to set the time on his watch every time we transition into or out of daylight savings time.

He’s probably gone Boxing Day shopping. This morning he was busy googling survival kit suppliers (we need to restock some of the consumables in our earthquake kits) and waving around some printed pages with detailed lists of all the sorts of things you need to survive after the Big One hits.

Here’s hoping for no Big One today. I really do want to catch this episode of Doctor Who.


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