Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Visit To Colony Farm

While adding back in the backyard bird links that were recently lost along with the rest of my blog template customizations, it occurred to me that I could also list the other birds that my brother and I saw last May at Colony Farm.

Colony Farm MapWe saw:

Barn Swallows: As we walked the Dyke Trail, dozens of Barn Swallows zipped around, sometimes within a few meters of our heads, snatching insects out of the air.

Red-Winged Blackbirds: I remember these birds from where I grew up in Ontario but before I visited Colony Farm I didn’t realize they lived out here in the west too. At the park, they congregated in the marshy area.

Bald Eagle: At first we weren’t sure whether it was a large hawk or an eagle soaring high above but then I saw the bright white tail flash and knew it was a Bald Eagle. As the bird turned, we also spotted its white head, the colour of a mature bird.

Great Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron: You see these all over the Lower Mainland, anywhere where there’s water with fish in it, including our neighbours’ backyard pond intermittently stocked with gold fish. The fishing efficiency of the herons gave those poor fish very abbreviated lifespans.

Bufflehead Ducks: What a silly name for a duck. What’s a buffle anyway?

Rock Pigeons: Another bird seen everywhere. Also known as flying rats.

Northwestern Crows: I’ve talked about crow cleverness before and I'm sure crows are smart enough to tease dogs but I read somewhere that they’re not as smart as Ravens. West Coast aboriginal peoples know the Raven as The Trickster.

And here are a few more pictures I took that day last May.

Coquitlam River at Colony Farm
The Coquitlam River flows through Colony Farm.

Community Gardens
Community Gardens

New Bat Houses
Newly built bat houses, ready for their first tenants

Colony Farm Nest Boxes
Nest Boxes. I think the numbered boxes may be for Purple Martins.

Wilson Farm Dyke Trail
Colony Farm has a very easy-to-walk trail system.

Millennium Bridge Crossing
Crossing the Millenium Bridge over the Coquitlam River


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