Friday, December 01, 2006

From Knitting Patterns to Surge Arrestors

My small and sensible eBay business just lurched out of its quiet little niche by agreeing to sell amateur radio gear alongside the knitting and sewing patterns.

I wonder what my current craft pattern customers will think when they see coaxial cables, amphenol connectors, gas capsules, lightning protectors and cold shrink kits?

The Big Guy needs to free up space so that he can store the new amateur radio gear he's buying. The obvious way to do this (other than to move into a new house that happens to have a warehouse in the backyard) is to sell some of the current gear that is clogging up the closets and the crawl space under our house.

What can I say? Don't buy more stuff? Silly me.

Come and see order being created out of chaos at The M31 Emporium's newly opened Amateur and Ham Radio department.


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