Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas! Lots of gifts and good food and happy conversation.

Tyler Has A Nap
It has been a busy morning unwrapping and eating presents (a biscuit and a rawhide bone) then going for a walk, so Tyler has a nap.

Andy Watches
After being told we were expecting guests, Andy parks himself in front of the window to wait for them to arrive.

Tree Pointer
I just wanted to say...

Being a teenager is tiring.

Camera Features
Studying each and every function is more fun than actually taking pictures.

Not So Grim
I asked for expressions not quite so grim. This is what I got.

In The Penalty Box
Andy misbehaves and gets sent to the penalty box.

Boys With Toys
Still doing stuff with the camera but not taking pictures

Ok, I'll take a picture. Here's my dessert in Macro Mode. Yum, yum!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Roewan's Other Blog

Just in case you're wondering where I've been lately and you haven't noticed that I have another blog, click here.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Trip to Europe - A Dutch Party (II)

And here are the rest of the party pictures. My sister exercised her formidible people-herding skills and we ended up with some great family group snapshots.

If anyone (that is, anyone in the family) wants higher resolution versions of these images to make prints then contact me.

The Next Generation

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Trip to Europe - A Dutch Party

Last August while we were in Europe, one of my aunts hosted a fabulous party. She and her husband are very fortunate to have a home with a large back garden in a private natural setting. In The Netherlands, a small densely populated country, few have the luxury of such space.

It was perfect for an outdoor family party.

My Aunt Willy's and Albert's House
A Beautiful House and Garden

Entrance to Back Garden
The party is in the back.

A private setting behind the house
Space and Privacy

Gather Around
Gather Around

Begin with arrivals and introductions

Whose husband is this?

Food Is Served
Then Cakes and Coffee

Carolein and Willy
Aunts with sweets

What beer is this?
Soon it's time for drinks.

A good beer, it is!
I hope you have lots!

This red's for you!
That glass is mine!


Party on
And the party really gets rolling...

Time for Photos
Mass Photography

Down the laneAfter more food and photography and as the party winds down, we go for a walk.

Just down the lane, some curious cows

A perfect end to a perfect day

Sunday, December 03, 2006

B5 - Five Years

My latest email from the NW-B5 Mailing List came with a link to a quick 2:27 video covering all five years of Babylon 5 and set to music with some very funny lyrics by Tom Smith. Nonsensical to anyone but true fans, of course.

On Dec 1, JMS wrote that production (filming was done locally at Vancouver Film Studios) for the first DVD of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales finished principal photography. DVD release of Voices In The Dark is expected in 2007. Early 2007, I hope!

Some of JMS' own photos and missives from the production are currently posted here.

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ and we know many things." -- Elric, The Geometry of Shadows

Londo Mollari and the Technomage, Elric

Friday, December 01, 2006

From Knitting Patterns to Surge Arrestors

My small and sensible eBay business just lurched out of its quiet little niche by agreeing to sell amateur radio gear alongside the knitting and sewing patterns.

I wonder what my current craft pattern customers will think when they see coaxial cables, amphenol connectors, gas capsules, lightning protectors and cold shrink kits?

The Big Guy needs to free up space so that he can store the new amateur radio gear he's buying. The obvious way to do this (other than to move into a new house that happens to have a warehouse in the backyard) is to sell some of the current gear that is clogging up the closets and the crawl space under our house.

What can I say? Don't buy more stuff? Silly me.

Come and see order being created out of chaos at The M31 Emporium's newly opened Amateur and Ham Radio department.